Media & Event Pictures

Eco Tech In the Urban Garden Event Pictures and Videos


Video of the Event

June 9th 2018, Key Tech Labs and our Key Scouts invited the community to participate in the unveiling of our first FarmBot, which was set in the Midway Park Community Garden, located in the Pacific Ridge neighborhood of Des Moines. The FarmBot is gardening technology that enables users of all backgrounds and capabilities to interact with gardening in a way that is direct, measurable, and sustainable. Using the FarmBot, community members had the opportunity to engage in projects based in science, technology, engineering and math, while simultaneously generating fresh produce to be regenerated into the community.

Pictures of the Event

The party and presentations

The presentation of the Farmbot

Chef T's live cooking demo

Games in the Park, 2.0

The little gamer

Our Key Scout gaming

VR in the park

Learning and playing

The Family and the inspiration

Feeding the people

The Telsa Simulators

The traveling garden

The libraray and supporters

Our main sponser

Our main funder

The subject matter experts